Sunday, December 30, 2007

My Home in Google Earth

Off late, Google has updated its Google Earth with almost all places of the world and obviously I was interested to see if I can find my home in it. It was pretty cool to see even the road directions of Chennai. I was lucky enough to see the street of my home and now I've got a new address - 13 05'38.06 N, 80 13' 23.99 E

Search for your home and get a new address (you've to place your mouse in the approximate location of your home to get the correct location)

¿sıɥʇ s,ʍoɥ

Turn your head/monitor upside down to read this :-)

˙(sǝʇısqǝʍ llɐ ʇsoɯlɐ) sɹǝʇɔɐɹɐɥɔ ǝpoɔıun sʇɹoddns ʇɐɥʇ ǝɔɐɟɹǝʇuı ʎuɐ uı sıɥʇ ǝsn uɐɔ noʎ ǝsnɐɔǝq ƃuıʇsǝɹǝʇuı sʇı ˙uʍop ǝpısdn 'pǝdʎʇ ǝɹɐ ʇɐɥʇ sɹǝʇɔɐɹɐɥɔ ǝɥʇ dılɟ oʇ ʇı ǝpɐɯ puɐ ʇı pǝʞɔɐɥ puɐ sɹǝʇɔɐɹɐɥɔ ǝpoɔıun ɥʇıʍ pǝʎɐld sɐɥ ǝɹǝɥʇ ʇno sʞloɟ ǝɯos ˙ƃuıʇsǝɹǝʇuı ʎʇʇǝɹd ʇı punoɟ puɐ ǝʇısqǝʍ sıɥʇ ssoɹɔɐ ǝɯɐɔ puɐ sʇuoɟ ɹǝuƃısǝp ǝɯos ɹoɟ ƃuıɥɔɹɐǝs sɐʍ ı 'llǝʍ

The unflipped version of the above:

Well, I was searching for some designer fonts and came across this website and found it pretty interesting. Some folks out there has played with unicode characters and hacked it and made it to flip the characters that are typed, upside down. Its interesting because you can use this in any interface that supports unicode characters (almost all websites).

Check it out here.

Try this in your emails, IM and make your friends go crazy :-)

Minesweeper Secret

I started playing minesweeper after hearing from my friend CPK and found it really intersting and it certainly hooked me up, which made me realise that we dont always need a nVidia 8800 GTS monster to keep us entertained. I always search for tweaks/cheat codes for the games which I play and since Minesweeper was my latest game, I searched for a tweak for it and found this.

How to reveal Mines in the game:
1. First Minimize or close all running applications so that you can see your desktop wallpaper.
2. Start the Minesweeper game from the start menu.
3. Type ‘xyzzy’ and hold down the shift key for a couple of seconds.
4. Now move the cursor over a Minesweeper square. You will notice a tiny (too tiny) white pixel in the top left corner of your desktop screen. This pixel will change to black when your mouse moves over a mine. Cool huh?

Oh..and make sure you dont have a white or black color desktop!

PS. If you really want to play an intersting game, dont use this tweak!

Find Invisible friends in Yahoo Messenger

Sometimes some of your friends who appear offline in yahoo messenger may not be actually offline,they may in the 'Invisible' mode. This maybe if they are trying to ignore you or are too busy to talk to anyone.

There is this small trick that you can use to find out what the truth is.

First, open your yahoo messenger main window and double click on the name of the person whom you want to check. The chat window will open obviously.

Click IMVironment button, select See all IMVironments, select Yahoo! Tools or Interactive Fun, and click on Doodle.
After loading the Doodle imvironment there can be two possibilities

1.If the user is offline Doodle are will show this "waiting for your friend to load Doodle" continuously .

2. If the user is online (but in invisible mode), after few seconds (it can take up to one minute, depending on your connection speed), you should get a blank page So you know that the user is online.

Cool huh... :-)

Sivamani Rocks with Spoons

Sivamani, one of the best Indian drummers gave a show to the staff of a restaurant(Tirupathi Bhimas) in California and he made an amazing music with spoons, plates and drums ........He rocked his own way........

Movies in Google Video

If you prefer streaming to downloading when it comes to movies,Google Video is your destination. Google Video that allows anyone to upload, is a free video sharing and video search engine service from Google. Its as good as YouTube(which again is owned by Google!)If you haven't tried out Google Video before,head to and try experimenting with it(no porn,of course).

As with every Google search,this has a hack associated with it that allows you to find full-length movies.
1.Go to
2.In the Search box,enter "genre:MOVIE_FEATURE" without the quotes.

You'll get over 32,000 search results that are full length movies that have been uploaded to Google Video.

Here's the direct link in case you're too lazy:

ARR - Composing Bombay Dreams

I've always wondered how this genius composes and records music. I was lucky enough to come across this video in YouTube and thought I'd share it.The video shows a composing/recording session on the making of A.R.Rahman's theater-musical Bombay Dreams. Notice how Rahman points out a mistake in the arrangement and sings it himself :-) ARR forever!!

Make Orkut Dance

This is a nice javascript I found on the net that makes everything in your Orkut profile(if you've one) dance. All that you've to do is:
1.Login to your Orkut account.
2.In the address bar(where it says,copy and paste this Javascript:

javascript:b=[]; a=document.images; for(wt=0; wt^a.length; wt++){a[wt].style.position='relative'; b[b.length]=a[wt]};j=0; setInterval('j++; for(wt=0; wt^b.length; wt++){b[wt].style.left=Math.sin((6.28/a.length)*wt+j/10)*10}; void(0)',1); void(0)

See all your friends and profile details do a jig!

Friday, November 02, 2007

My first blog

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. -- Confucius

Hello World!

This is my first blog. Honestly, i dont know what i'm gonna do with my blog.
Keep watching this place - you may soon find something that interests you.

Until then, bye.